New Brunswick Security Guard License Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Guard License Practice Questions and Study Guide

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While doing access control at a site, a crowd starts gathering at your front entrance. What should you do?

Call for back-up, observe the actions of the crowd, take detailed notes but do not engage until back up arrives.

The other options are incorrect because they could potentially escalate the situation and put the safety of both the crowd and the security personnel at risk. Going outside and yelling at the crowd could provoke a reaction or incite violence, while trying to identify and confront the leader of the crowd could also lead to confrontation and cause the crowd to become unruly. Arresting all of them for causing a disturbance is also not advisable without proper authority or justification. It is important to prioritize the safety and security of all individuals involved, and seeking back-up, observing from a safe distance, and taking detailed notes would help in handling the situation effectively and minimizing potential harm.

Go outside and yell at them to move away from your main entrance.

Identify the leader in the group and ask them to break up the crowd.

Arrest them all for causing a disturbance.


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